Our input

INVESTO came in front of the market needs and developed custom software solutions that already contributed to successfully completing several large projects and start new ones. The clinical trial market requires constant optimization so our target is to come up with solutions that make the method...


We focus on clinical randomization and trial supply management activities with professional Interactive Response Technology (IRT) solutions. This app is built using an innovative Web-based technology for both phone and the Web.

Dr. Szelitzky Emőke

Dr. Szelitzky Emőke will be the coordinator of the INVESTO CORP project. She is currently the lead to R&D in Healthcare and Life Sciences solutions and her work aims to combine software and mechatronics for technological improvement in this field. Dr. Szelitzky has a double bachelor, graduating ...

What is our input?

INVESTO has built an expertise around specific software that simplifies the clinical trial process the drugs go through, from the research point to the approval and before reaching a consumer. Practically, we help the business entities analyze the features of the drugs faster, so they can send th...

Clinical Trial Software

During clinical trials, large volumes of data are generated which have to be easily managed by manufacturers. We developed a customizable software system that enables manufacturers of pharmaceutical products to maintain and manage the planning, preparation, performance, and reporting of clinical ...

Interactive Voice Response System

Our customers’ needs required a solution that helps them manage patient’s screening and enrollment in clinical trials, randomization, and drug supply management and this is why the INTERACTIVE WEB RESPONSE SERVICES (IWRS) was developed powered by an INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE SYSTEM (IVRS). T...

About Us

INVESTO has built an expertise around specific software that simplifies the clinical trial process the drugs go through, from the research point to the approval and before reaching a consumer. Practically, we help the business entities analyze the features of the drugs faster, so they can send th...

New Medical Guide app

This is a medical guide for iPad and Android tablets which offers patients the possibility to determine carcinoma types. The description for each type is displayed under the scroll-wheel. The Motzer/Heng calculator incorporated in the application enables the physician to prepare a reliable progno...